Innovation over Emulation, Cooperation over Confrontation!

Two companies, one motto, to the advantage of developers and users:

PIOS Computer AG              and                proDAD Software
Borsigstr. 5                                     Feldelestr. 24

D-31135 Hildesheim                               D-78194 Immendingen
Germany                                          Germany

Our Christmas Surprise


The companies PIOS Computer AG, hardware producer and distributor, and the software producer proDAD Software herewith announce officially to cooperate in creating a new PowerPC-based computer system, called PIOS ONE, and its combination and shipment with the pOSoperating system.

The goal of this strategic alliance is to create with united forces an optimal combination of powerful but inexpensive hardware with an innovative operating system which bases on a future-proof concept. To achieve this, engineering geniuses like Andy Finkel, Dave Haynie (both PIOS), and Holger Burkarth work hand in hand. Their experience in the field, together with their sense for future and innovation, lead to a user friendly, priceworthy, and modern device which will fit all situations.


The hardware impresses by its modular concept, which improves the performance compared to existing AMIGA systems to new heights due to up-to-date RISC technology. The motherboard contains the base units of the computer, the three PCI and two ISA slots, as well as the audio part and all I/O, in proven standard technology, as it's used reliably and inexpensively in industry standard devices. Graphics is provided by a PCI bus card. The CPU module plugs on the motherboard and contains besides the CPU chip also the system RAM (in standard DIMM sockets) and cache RAM (also socketed, optional) as well as the control circuitry for all this. This way, maximum performance is assured also with faster CPUs. CPUs of the PowerPC 603 family are used, with clock frequencies of currently 133 to 200 MHz. In future, also CPU modules with several CPUs for multiprocessor operation are possible.

The operating system pOS counts as its strengths among others preemptive multitasking, multiprocessor support, JAVA, RTG, STG, as well as unbeatable compactness and consequentially speed. Already ported or currently being ported applications to pOS guarantee a broad offering of software in all thinkable areas from the start of distribution.


Through pOS, the portable OS, which runs also on AMIGA 68k and AMIGA PPC as well as other systems, it becomes possible to integrate the new PIOS ONE hardware into an existing world of powerful applications. By this, the AMIGA market is opened, revived, and expanded, software developments become profitable again, and thus this is pOSitive activity for the market and of course for its usership.

An advantage which multiplies with every new pOS-supported computer - an advantage which can only be offered by powerful hardware cooperating with a powerful OS!

At the same time, it is possible on this purely PowerPC-based computer to run the operating system and the applications natively and thus much faster than on 68k computers or an emulation of them. The appreciated AMIGA feeling is returning.

Overtuned systems with bloated operating systems now can be considered horrors of the past.


The operating system pOS already exists, as it was also officially confirmed and was recognized in the market with considerable resonance. The PIOS ONE hardware will be completed already at the begin of January.

The completed system will be shown for the first time at CeBIT 97 and be available probably from May/June 1997. The total price for the entry model will be around US$ 1000!


will be handled through world-wide distribution centers and existing as well as newly acquired dealer networks.

More information available from
PIOS Computer AG
ProDAD Software

Think pOSitive with PIOS ONE!

Hildesheim and Immendingen, in December 1996
gev. Stefan Domeyer, GF PIOS
gev. Andreas Huber, GF proDAD

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This page was created on 22.Dec.96, last change on 23.Dec.96.